Scoop is a command-line installer for Windows.Scoop 是一款Windows下的命令行软件管理工具.
Scoop installs programs from the command line with a minimal amount of friction. It:
Eliminates permission popup windowsHides GUI wizard-style installersPrevents PATH pollution from installing lots of programsAvoids unexpected side-effects from installing and uninstalling programsFinds and installs dependencies automaticallyPerforms all the extra setup steps itself to get a working programScoop is very scriptable, so you can run repeatable setups to get your environment just the way you like, e.g.:
scoop install sudosudo scoop install 7zip git openssh --globalscoop install aria2 curl grep sed less touchscoop install python ruby go perl
打开Windows Terminal
iwr -useb get.scoop.sh | iex
PS C:\Users\13538> iwr -useb get.scoop.sh | iexInitializing...Downloading...Extracting...Creating shim...Adding ~\scoop\shims to your path.Scoop was installed successfully!Type "scoop help" for instructions.
PS C:\Users\13538> iwr -useb get.scoop.sh | iexInitializing...PowerShell requires an execution policy in [Unrestricted, RemoteSigned, ByPass] to run Scoop. For example, to set the execution policy to "RemoteSigned" please run "Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope CurrentUser".Abort.
Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope CurrentUser
$env:SCOOP="D:\Scoop Data"[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("SCOOP", $env:SCOOP, "User")$env:SCOOP_GLOBAL="D:\Scoop Data"[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("SCOOP_GLOBAL", $env:SCOOP_GLOBAL, "Machine")
查找指定软件scoop search 软件名
PS C:\Users\13538> scoop search neofetchResults from local buckets...Name Version Source Binaries---- ------- ------ --------neofetch 7.1.0 main
搜索全部软件scoop search
PS C:\Users\13538> scoop searchResults from local buckets...Name Version Source Binaries---- ------- ------ --------1password-cli 2.7.1 main7zip 22.01 main7zip19.00-helper 19.00 mainabc 1.0.0 mainack 3.6.0 main.......(省略)zoxide 0.8.3 mainzstd 1.5.2 main
命令格式为scoop install 软件名
PS C:\Users\13538> scoop install neofetchWARN Purging previous failed installation of neofetch.ERROR "neofetch" isn"t installed correctly.Removing older version (7.1.0)."neofetch" was uninstalled.Installing "neofetch" (7.1.0) [64bit] from main bucketneofetch (333.6 KB) [=========================================================================================] 100%Checking hash of neofetch ... ok.Linking ~\scoop\apps\neofetch\current => ~\scoop\apps\neofetch\7.1.0Creating shim for "neofetch"."neofetch" (7.1.0) was installed successfully!
命令格式为scoop uninstall 软件名
PS C:\Users\13538> scoop uninstall aria2Uninstalling "aria2" (1.36.0-1).Removing shim "aria2c.shim".Removing shim "aria2c.exe".Unlinking ~\scoop\apps\aria2\current"aria2" was uninstalled.
查看可更新软件scoop update
PS C:\Users\13538> scoop updateUpdating Scoop...Updating "main" bucket...Scoop was updated successfully!
更新指定软件scoop update 软件名
PS C:\Users\13538> scoop update neofetchneofetch: 7.1.0 (latest version)Latest versions for all apps are installed! For more information try "scoop status"
更新全部软件scoop update *
PS C:\Users\13538> scoop update *Latest versions for all apps are installed! For more information try "scoop status"
PS C:\Users\13538> scoop statusScoop is up to date.Everything is ok!
检查scoop自身我的还真查出问题来了 有问题按提示操作就好
PS C:\Users\13538> scoop checkupWARN LongPaths support is not enabled. You can enable it by running: sudo Set-ItemProperty "HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\FileSystem" -Name "LongPathsEnabled" -Value 1 (Requires "sudo" command. Run "scoop install sudo" if you don"t have it.)ERROR "Inno Setup Unpacker" is not installed! It"s required for unpacking InnoSetup files. Please run "scoop install innounp".ERROR "dark" is not installed! It"s required for unpacking installers created with the WiX Toolset. Please run "scoop install dark" or "scoop install wixtoolset".WARN Found 3 potential problems.......(按提示操作)PS C:\Users\13538> scoop checkupNo problems identified!
每当scoop下载了软件之后,软件包文件会被默认缓存下来,即使卸载了软件,缓存也不会被删除,想要清理缓存,可以使用scoop cache rm 软件名
PS C:\Users\13538> scoop cache rm sudoRemoving https_raw.githubusercontent.com_lukesampson_psutils_c7116ac143ca81f223e6091d0974f45ac241eb1d_sudo.ps1...Deleted: 1 file, 2.2 KB
想要清除所有缓存,可以使用scoop cache rm *
PS C:\Users\13538> scoop cache rm *Removing https_7-zip.org_a_7z2201-x64.msi...Removing https_github.com_aria2_aria2_releases_download_release-1.36.0_aria2-1.36.0-win-64bit-build1.zip...Removing https_raw.githubusercontent.com_ScoopInstaller_Binary_master_dark_dark-3.11.2.zip...Removing https_github.com_git-for-windows_git_releases_download_v2.38.0.windows.1_PortableGit-2.38.0-64-bit.7z.exe_dl.7z...Removing https_raw.githubusercontent.com_ScoopInstaller_Binary_master_innounp_innounp050.rar...Removing https_raw.githubusercontent.com_dylanaraps_neofetch_7.1.0_neofetch...
软件升级后,其旧版本仍会被保留下来可以使用scoop cleanup 软件名
PS C:\Users\13538> scoop cleanup sudosudo is already clean
scoop cleanup *
PS C:\Users\13538> scoop cleanup *Everything is shiny now!
scoop home 软件名
多个版本的软件共存时,可以通过scoop reset 想要使用的版本名称
PS C:\Users\13538> scoop bucket knownmainextrasversionsnirsoftphpnerd-fontsnonportablejavagames
也可以添加不在上述列表的非官方仓库,命令格式为scoop bucket add 仓库名 仓库的github地址
PS C:\Users\13538> scoop bucket add DEV-tools "https://github.com/anderlli0053/DEV-tools"Checking repo... OKThe DEV-tools bucket was added successfully.
PS C:\Users\13538> scoop bucket listName Source Updated Manifests---- ------ ------- ---------extras https://github.com/ScoopInstaller/Extras 2022/10/7 8:47:10 1692main https://github.com/ScoopInstaller/Main 2022/10/7 8:47:15 1095
命令格式为scoop bucket rm 仓库名
PS C:\Users\13538> scoop bucket rm extras
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